//story of the swag girl !
♥ a little about swag girl ♥

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hello peeps ! i am amoii lalingg . i love all things . thanks for stopping by my blog ! feel free to leave me a comment or send me an e-mail if you want to get in touch .

♥ yesterday is gone today is now tomorrow is ♥

♥ keep in touch ♥

♥ home walker ♥

♥ Credits ♥

basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Amoii LaLingg

♥ november mood ♥

Assalammualaikum .

Hai guys , finally moii buka juga blog nih setelah sekian lamanya mendiamkan diri . moii actually dah lupa tentang blog nih tapi sekarang mood november membuatkan moii ingin berceloteh di blog nih . btw , how about uolls , sihat tak ? Alhamdulillah kalau semuanya sihat belaka . moii pula Alhamdulillah semakin chubby pipi yang asset nih dan semakin bulat juga nih . 

For the first at all , Alhamdulillah practikal and presentation pun dan settle and finally moii officially end my diploma and just wait for my graduate . so now moii just tanam anggur dirumah dan tidak tahu bila mahu berbuah mengeluarkan hasilnya . okay kelakar . hahahaha

my life suddenly such a boring day for everyday and every month , do not know how about next month . hehehe . before this moii dah attend interview for OOCL as customer services and hopefully dapat lah because the answer will be know end of this month actually . Aaminn Aaminn . kalau tidak dapat pun namanya bukan rezeki lah . 

my time actually moii more spending with movie time especially RunningMan , my favorite movie as well . and then my media social lite such as my Facebook , Twitter , Instagram , Wechat . and most time is with my game Clash of Clans and also my Whatsapp . my 48 hours with my favorite boyfriend . Mr. Nigga . only use that whatsapp or sometimes oncall . but do not misunderstanding okay , boyfriend not couple . easy ? hahahaha

so anythings story ? sampai sini saja lah dulu buat masa sekarang . harap november kali ini memberikan semangat , kejayaan , bless dan sebagainya . Aaminn Aaminn . Okay guys ! good baiiii . love yahhhh .